Friday, July 5, 2024

Hey. Howdy. Hello. Hi.


I can't believe it's been 6 years since we last spoke.  Would you believe I've spent the last year trying to recover access to my beloved island (blog).  I don't know what to say.

I'll start with hi.  I'm sorry.  I feel like I failed you and, in turn, I failed myself. I've needed you.  I've missed you.  I won't pretend things are the same but I'm willing to re-introduce myself (... and my life, as it is today) with the hopes that you'll still accept me.

To be transparent, I only see remnants of the 'me' you once knew.  So much has happened.  So much hard has hardened me.  Shoot, so much hard has softened me.  There's been so much growth. So much change.  

I have SO much to share.  As we prepare to send Munch off to college.  Yes, college.  I know! This awkward pre-teen you once knew:

... yes.  Her.  Well, she is all grown up and heading off to college in a few weeks.

No time for tears.  I was just popping in to let you know we are going to play catch-up on EVERYTHING - marriage, divorce, mom-ing, moving, moving again, and finally finding our GLOW.  I'm transitioning into a new season and I really want my beloved Islanders to be part of the journey. 

Who knows, maybe you've had some hard in your life too and maybe -JUST maybe - you could use a good catch-up with an old friend.

So, if you're still my e-bestie, grab a pillow (to cuddle and/or to cry into), grab a drink of your choice (and maybe even a snack). This could take a minute.

Talk soon,

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Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

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