Earlier this summer, I tackled the pile of junk that was the game cabinet.
When we purchased the home, I was so excited for the storage opportunities it provided. I decided to put many of our things in the rooms where they would used. In the case of the family room, I wanted to be sure the supplies for family game night were readily available.
These supplies include board games, cards, Wii supplies and movies. Over time, however, out-of-cycle seasonal decor and random toys took over the closet. It was a mess. The movies were still upstairs and, in their place, wrapping paper, Santa figurines, Easter bunnies, baby supplies for our little guests... the closet was a mess.
One night, I was tired of it. I decided to clean it out and (two hours later) BOOM!
One space - DONE! Let's break down how items are sorted, shall we?
From the photo above, you can see I kept things Munch accesses regularly on the lower shelves. The baskets on the bottom hold card games and Wii supplies. The middle shelf holds board games. The shelf above the games holds DVDs and CDs. The top shelf and floor area holds out-of-cycle decor (holiday and random pieces).
It works, it functions... it makes my heart smile to know it's CLEAN :)

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