Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My Littles: Alani Rose

In my last post, I mentioned that I'm expecting to be an auntie all over again later this spring.  Can I just say, I'm just so excited my list of littles is growing... like, so excited that I could just explode.

Speaking of my littles, do you recall Melina's pink tiffany-themed baby shower?

Well, as you can see in the baby shower photo above, baby was on the way.  Mommy was ready.

I had my snack basket (included in my guide of 13 things you should do for new parents, remember?) ready to go so, I was also ready!

It was August 10th.  I arrived to the hospital for the second time that day to help take care of the other little ones present.  At some point during the afternoon, the delivery room cleared and it was just Melina, her sleeping fiance, her mom, her older sister, and me.  

A drugged Melina called me over to her bedside.  When I got close, she started to speak...

Her:  Alani is coming...

Me:  I knoooooow! So exciting! **starts a silent but wiggle-filled happy dance**

Her:  Wait.  So, Sena is her god mom and--

Me:  I knoooooow!  **looks at her sister Sena and starts another wiggle-filled happy dance** That's so awesome, boo!

Her:  Well, I always thought I would want one god mother for my child BUT, from day one, you have been there for Alani and--

** I look quickly from Melina to Sena, from Sena to her mom, from her mom back to Melina**

Sena (crying):  And I just can't think of anyone else who I'd rather share this with.  Thank you for being such a great friend to my sister and--

**I bury my face into my hands**

Her mom, her sister and I embrace.  We cry.  Happy tears.  And grateful tears.  Tears that served as refreshing and salty reminders of how God sends exactly what you need when you need it.  Sure, Melina tried to finish what she was saying but we all hushed her saying she shouldn't ruin the moment for us - haha.  This was OUR moment.  Our baby was on her way and we all were crazy-excited and humbled and overwhelmed and... all good things of course :)

The nurse came for the final check and confirmed it was time!

The excitement was unbearable and fingers were crossed!  An hour later, my new little was born.

That night, I held her.  I smelled her.  I sang to her.  I threatened to steal her.  OMG OMG OMG!  God gave me another little person to love. 

He gave me - ME - a god baby.  If you're new here, you may not know how powerful that is for me or how seriously I take the role but seriously?! OMG.  Islanders, my god baby is amazing.

 She already has my heart and smiles at the sight of me.  We're all in love.

Munch is obsessed with holding her (well, when I'm not around or when I let her because well, ALL the snuggles are for me - DUH!).

As she's gotten older,  Alani has started to respond to Munch's conversation with her own opinion.  Baby chatter?  It's so cute and pretty frikkin' awesome!

So, she is here and time is zooming on... I can't believe she'll be three months pretty soon.  Halloween was yesterday and it wouldn't be right if I didn't share the costume I picked up for her, right?

That's right.  This little piggy has stolen my heart.

So, there you have it.  I have a new little to love.  Her name is Alani Rose and she lights up my life.  

... and just when I thought my heart could take no more... STAY TUNED!

P.S. If you're wondering what my happy dance looks like, please refer to the following video:

Yep.  That's pretty-much it.  

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