Monday, February 6, 2017

34: Sweet as Ever.

The other day, I shared some photos of the sweet people who attended my surprise birthday party.  I was so thankful the outfit they had for me actually fit.  I was glad he and I enjoyed a nice breakfast and that Sheena and I were able to hang and to cross things off my bucket list.  I was so full... belly, heart and soul.  Then this?!

The party was full of awesome people, awesome costumes, awesome decor and...


Islanders, OMG!  I've mentioned in the past that Melina is a cake baking, chocolate dipping, candy melt drizzling kinda chick.  She's got amazing skills and I love her cake pops, her red velvet cake pops more specifically.

When Melina had the idea to host a surprise party, she reached out to my mom.  My parents supplied the venue, the food and the DJ.

Melina designed the invitations to fit the theme.  She and her mom handled the decor and the sweets tables... an epic sweets table in fact.

Melina surrounded the cake with life-sized microphones!

Yes, that's right.  I'm singing.  Into a microphone.  A cake pop microphone.  A red velvet cake pop microphone in fact.

Melina got creative and re-purposed household items to create a candy mold for the cake pops.  I had hoped she'd share a tutorial but I'm sure it would be full of top secret cake pop makin' secrets so, don't hold your breath waiting for that.  In addition to the microphones, Melina made record-shaped chocolate lollipops that were displayed on the table.

In addition to the homemade sweets, there was a fabulous throwback candy bar featuring candies from the 90's.  Sheena got cassette tapes and Mrs. Lucy turned them into amazing candy displays and containers!  Pop Rocks, candy cigarettes, candy lipsticks, gumballs, blow pops, and more.

I was in heaven!  All of my childhood favorites?! OMG!

I thought it was so cool how Mrs. Lucy used what she had to create this awesome display.  Sheena bought the tapes and Mrs. Lucy used more of the fabulous items we inherited from the store that closed for renovations.  She adhered the tapes to a shoe display to create the cool tilted candy display.

Dope, right?  She used a box (with lid) that came with a perfume gift set for the POP and ROCK displays.  Paper shred and Styrofoam made it easy to create!

How smart was it to glue paper straws to the candies?  Doing so allowed the candy to stand in the display which added height and made for an unique way to display Pop Rocks.  Oh, and how could I forget the star?

My cake was awesome.

It was beautiful and the special order candles?  AMAZING.

As an event planner and a super crafty weirdo, I acknowledge that it may not be easy to PLAN for the PLANNER.  It certainly isn't easy to SURPRISE the SURPRISER.  I hate to be a burden on anyone and I was totally NOT expecting this at all.  It wasn't a milestone birthday... I mean, seriously?! A surprise?  An outfit?  A cake?  Sweets tables?  A DJ?  NO WAY.

My parents?

My family?

My fRamily?

My friends?

You guys totally get a thumbs up from me... NOT because you totally blew me away with your thoughtfulness but because you thought enough of me to take time, energy and money to make me feel special.

You guys are so DOPE and I'm blessed to have you in my life.

Stay sweet!

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