Thursday, February 9, 2017

Trolls Movie Inspired DIY Party Hats

The day after my surprise party, my birthday twin and DatMyHoney (a.k.a. Olivia) celebrated her fourth birthday.

Sidebar:  I got her fab shirt and skirt from FabKids.  It was one of our Christmas gifts.  She rocked it on her birthday and, Islanders, the style is STRONG with this one :)

We will talk about her party tomorrow.  Today, I'm sharing two quick tutorials for DIY party hats inspired from the movie Trolls.  One, I found online and the other I came up with for the birthday girl.

I followed the instructions here to create my own version of felt Trolls party hats:

I changed the embellishments slightly.  I purchased felt stickers from Michaels because I liked how they reminded me of Poppy's party invitations and scrapbook projects.  They were a hit at the party!

Sheena put a hat at each place setting.  

For the guest of honor, I made a special hat to resemble the film's leading lady, Poppy!

DIY Poppy Troll Party Hats

- Party Hat (of any kind)
- Faux Fur ( used 1 sheet of the Creatology Craft Fur in bright pink)
- Embellishments
- Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors


I purchased whimsical Christmas tree picks on clearance after the holiday.  I knew they would make the perfect topper.

I glued them to the outside of the hat before I got started...

Note: because these steps are optional, I'm going to UNOFFICIALLY include them in the tutorial.

1.  Glue the fur to the outside of the party hat.  Take care to minimize the amount of cutting.  I found that eyeballing first helped to minimize wasted fur while also ensuring the entire hat was covered.

2.  Embellish the front of the hat to match Poppy's hair.  I used felt to create flowers and layered the embellishments with felt stickers.

Olivia's seat was right by the cake!  As the kids entered the party room, music from the Trolls movie played and everyone took their seats.

All of the kids loved the hats and the room decor.  Olivia took it all in as she wiggled to her favorite songs.

Clearly, Olivia loved her cake and the mini Poppy but, did you see her friend's reaction to her little hat?  Party moments like this make it all worth it.

Tomorrow, we'll share party pics and deets.  Stay tuned!

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