"I'm going to fall out... You think if I fall out, they'll let me cut to the front of the line?"
- Hubbs
- Hubbs
It was early. It was cold. We were tired. We were hungry. We were in line for HOURS. We laughed, we chatted, we saw people we knew, we were parts of history... Together.
This was the first election that he and I voted together. Thank God because I fear that if I hadn't been there(with my mommy snacks and candy) he would've made a scene to get to the front of the line, lol.
When we left, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. I am a proud WOMAN of COLOR. Islanders, that would be double negatives in the societal book of equality. Woman - a strong, intelligent, willful, multi-tasker by nature. Color - rich in both history and culture.
I voted.
I used my voice to make my choice.
I voted.
I used my voice to make my choice.
My blog is not a politically charged piece of e-paper where I talk about how differences make me better than the next person. It is, however, a place where imperfect people can feel comfortable in their imperfect skin. I'm okay with differences, I'm cool with other opinions, I embrace the process by which our country elects its leaders. I just want to know, did YOU exercise your right to choose?
This WOMAN of COLOR sure did and, I have to say, equality is pretty amazing...
Awaiting the results, I was a ball of nerves and I put them to good use. I spent my evening cleaning my fridge, doing laundry, cooking a yummy meal, finding Munch's clothes for the week, organizing my closet and scrubbing our hall bathroom... It's amazing what I got done in the 4 hours before 10:00 p.m.
I stayed up and shared a celebratory glass of wine with Hubbs. Finally, the phone calls, mail, commercials and political stress can end.
Among everything else, I'm HAPPY about that!

By reader request, I'm going to have an affordable gift series so be sure to check back often :)

I stayed up and shared a celebratory glass of wine with Hubbs. Finally, the phone calls, mail, commercials and political stress can end.
Among everything else, I'm HAPPY about that!

By reader request, I'm going to have an affordable gift series so be sure to check back often :)

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