I was able to spend time with my nephew Friday evening before Resurrection Day. Oh! And, because I knew he could expect a number of baskets and gifts, I decided to give him his Easter gifts from his auntie Tabby during our time together.
I told him the bag had his name on it and it was as if he understood me because he turned to admire it.
His hand caused the tissue paper to crinkle and he was intrigued by the sound. It resulted in a fun fest but took a turn for the gross when MaseFace tasted the tissue paper.
His face said it all! The paper sounded better than it tasted. All-in-all, MaseFace loved his first Easter basket! If you're wondering, we talked about the goodies here.
You see the face. Sometimes, it's hard to keep the auntie lovin' at bay. I just lose it when I see his face.
My Friday was MADE when I had the opportunity to snuggle and kiss and play and sing without the worry of SHARING him with other people.
Munch was feeling under the weather the day before Easter. She returned from spending Spring Break with her Grandma Judy in North Carolina and was recovering from a stomach virus. She woke Sunday and had taken a turn for the worse. Immediately following church, we hurried to the neighborhood Urgent Care and received our instructions to ensure she remained hydrated, we went to the store for supplies and home to change before we headed to Grandma's and Pop-Pop's for the egg hunt.
It was so cute to see the kids running around in search of eggs filled with candy, stickers, tattoos and money. After the hunt, we headed down the street to Mike's and Ryan's home for Easter dinner and fun with family.
Ryan kept the decor bright and simple by poking these egg picks into her existing decor. She covered surfaces with a cheery floral tablecloth.
Even the straws were super cute, right? For the centerpiece on the kitchen table, Ryan purchased a porcelain bunny for guests to sign and decorate for MaseFace's memories.

On the dining room table, Ryan placed all of her gifts, eggs and candy for guests to enjoy throughout the afternoon.
Islanders, something about candy chaos and Easter grass makes my heart smile. The grand finale of the evening was the egg hunt with close to 100 eggs for the little ones!
One of the highlights of the day was when Munch reached for an egg in a tree and Uncle Mike went to help but, get this, he had an EGG in his hoodie! You can imagine the squeals and excitement when the kids jumped and reached for the egg!
In other major, crazy, awesome, big news...
Mason scooted! The video is cute and funny and it starts with the cutest chubby legs kicking.
He is pretty amazing and the moment was pretty amazing to witness; auntie was cheering him on. We piled into the car and every surface of the the Beetle looked like this:
How amazing is that sight?! Much like the day, the car ride home was full of bright smiles, big laughs and lots of love! It was definitely an Easter for the books!
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