Islanders, please join me in welcoming Dani from!! She attended mom's 50th birthday party and her hair was fabulous! I invited her to the island to give us all a quick how-to. Go, Dani! Go, Dani!
So of course I was mortified to see that I was not featured on the island this morning and I was NOT having that. So now, I got a spotlight, how do you like THEM apples, my dear?!
Onto business! I originally wanted to rock the "Grease" themed pink satin jacket with the black pants and heels, with the scarf around the neck and oh yeah...the hair! But as luck would have it, I didn't have the time (nor the patience) to find my outfit on such short notice (since I waited until the last minute). So, I improvised and without spending any money (well, I spent money, but I didn't have to because everything I ended up wearing was in my closet lol). So, I had the outfit, but what was I going to do with my hair?! I knew I wanted Victory Curls from the beginning, but I had NO clue that's what they were called...that's when the internet became my new BFF! I quickly found the correct name and tons of videos to help me perfect the perfect curl!
Here it goes:
1. I made sure that my hair was already "straight" i.e. bumped with a curling iron, because I wouldn't be able to do it with my natural curls.
2. I had my brown gel in-hand and a smoothing brush to tame the beasts called frizzies and fly-aways! Before applying anything I parted my hair to one side (my right side) and re-bumped the top section of my hair where the victory curls would go so that it was "fresh" (btw my hair was not freshly washed...the curls hold better when you have some oil to it). I used a gold, big barrel curling iron so that my curls would be easy to roll into place. Break the TOP section of your hair (keeping the part that you already made) into multiple sections and after each curl is bumped, pin each one and allow it to fully cool. Allowing the curls to cool will help it hold better!
3. Starting on one side (started on my right), Un-pin each curl. Gather all of the curls in that section, lightly comb the section together (creating one big curl) and roll the curl from the bottom, all the way up. Be sure to roll the curl AWAY from your face, until it is sitting neatly on the top of your head. Once it was positioned where I wanted it, I began to pin the curl from the BACK so that you couldn't see my bobby/boppy (sp) pins. Pin your hair as needed...each hair type is different and may require extra pin-age! FYI, I like BIG victory curls, so make the barrel of the curl as big or small as you'd like.
4. Once I finished my first victory curl, I repeated the same steps on the other side, again, making sure to roll AWAY from my face.
5. Once both victory curls were in place, I applied the brown gel (or whatever works best for you) to my edges and I used my smoothing brush to slick my edges down even more. Once they were tamed I used the smoothing brush again to smooth the sides of my hair down and into a tight pony tail.
6. Once my hair was in a ponytail, I broke the ponytail into sections and bumped each section with my curling iron. To give my hair the full and bouncy look I combed through each section LIGHTLY to loosen the curls up a bit...the loose curls add a more vintage look that I looooove!
7. Lightly spray your hair so that it's held in place and you're done!

Thanks, Dani, for the fabulous write-up. I can't wait to try my own variation of this style in the near future!
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