Friday, May 1, 2015

DIY Pegboard Organization

In celebration of Frugal Friday, I'm sharing an easy tutorial that is BOTH pretty AND functional.  I've seen the pegboard ideas everywhere:

My favorite inspiration for the pegboard wasn't found on some big blog but rather my facebook page, it's hanging in LJ's sweet nursery.

Langston built the pegboard and I frikkin' love the storage it offers; it totally clears space from surfaces.  Since this photo was taken, LJ's pegboard is fabulously decorated, filled with baby gear and I just LOVE it.  My pegboard design isn't as fancy... I just painted my pegboard gold and, because it didn't need a frame, I hung as soon as the paint dried.  Today, I'm sharing the tutorial to create your own board.  I know!!!  You're welcome!


- Pegboard (2' x 4' piece). I got mine from Lowe's:

- Spray Paint
- Gorilla Hooks


1.  Spray paint the board

2.  Allow it to dry for 30 minutes

3.  Use two Gorilla Hooks to hang it on the wall.  I recommend using a level to ensure it hangs straight

VOILA!  You're done.  It's easy.  It's cheap (like $15 total!).  Also, there are pegboard accessory kits with shelves, hooks and more.

Don't shy away from the pegboard accessories, they're awesome and affordable.

Do you see the gray organizer up there?  

It was $16 and was hung with pegboard hooks:

It holds my craft paints and popsicle sticks and more... It's great!  For additional storage, I used Ikea buckets that were super cheap and super cute!

I cut small pieces of tulle to hang the buckets on the pegboard.  

The tulle is so girl-y and cute!  They're perfect for the space but don't let their prettiness fool you.  These buckets hold paint brushes, markers and small craft tools. 

My thought process for the pegboard was to put the things I use often in plain sight.  The scissors are hanging low enough for me to reach from the work station; the scissor hooks also serve as the landing spot for my growing collection of unique scissors :)  I'll keep you posted on how that shapes up - haha!

If you're looking for an affordable and fabulous storage solution, consider making a pegboard to meet your need; they're super easy!


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