Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bearing Fruit.

      My life is like an apple tree.  Some of my fruits include follower of Christ, wife, mother, friend, sister, aunt, daughter, crafter, blogger, event planner, DIY-er, decorator, singer, youth choir director, teacher, playdate planner, homeowner, cleaner, cooker, baker, dog mama, cheer coach, gymnast mom, drum mom, fashionista, and so many more.  Over time, I became focused MORE on my fruits than I did on the rest of the tree… who cares about the leaves, the branches, the trunk or even the roots?  The only thing others care about is the fruit, right?  Thus, I cared more about whether I showed the signs of an apple tree that had it all and, more importantly, had it all to give away.  

      I mean, I had lots of apples hanging from my limbs and I freely gave my apples to anyone who needed them.  I compromised and sacrificed myself to be of benefit to others.  After all, I had apples.  LOTS of apples... but were they sweet?  Were they crisp and refreshing?  

     All of that changed when one of life’s storms left my tree bare.  You know what, Islanders?  When you take away the fruit and leaves, all you see are the branches and a trunk… I could’ve forgotten that I was even an apple tree… I very easily could’ve decided never to bear fruit again.  Do you know what life’s storm did?  It forced this ol’ apple tree to wiggle her roots and to remind herself that she has a groundskeeper who has been feeding the soil the entire time.  I’ve learned just how deep-rooted in my relationship with God I am.  Roots of faith, love, strength, forgiveness, friendship, and family reminded me of who I am at my core.  I seized the storm as an opportunity to strengthen the tree and to choose what fruits I wanted to bear.  For the past few weeks, I've allowed myself to focus on the roots, the trunk and the branches… The decision to take great care of myself reminded me of how critical the act of nurturing my own tree is to the quality of my fruit.  Guess what, Islanders.  I learned a valuable lesson.  

      I’d rather be the tree with a few amazing apples – crisp, sweet, refreshing apples – than to be the tree whose fruits suck the life from it (ironic how that works, huh?).  I’d rather be a tree who beats the odds of life’s storms and whose fruits are not compromised by the elements surrounding it.  

      AND THAT is where my testimony, my sweetest fruit, will grow… 

      Have you taken time to focus on your self-care?  Have you reminded yourself of where you are deep-rooted?  If not, let me sow an [apple] seed in your life. Storms are going to come.  Some of them will rattle your roots.  Remember, the rain makes you grow taller and the winds make your branches strong.   Just to be sure you don't forget, I made a printable.  

      Hang it somewhere and glance at it often.  Never mind for yourself, say it aloud to remind the rain and wind of how strong YOU are.



  1. Guess who, guess who, guess who's back lol! I love this post! So many times we as women give every bit of what we have to others and have nothing left for ourselves. You aren't any good to anyone if you aren't happy first.


Life Update - Divorce.

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