Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Fifth Grade Photo Shoot

Islanders!  Yesterday was a sneak peek into the things the 10th birthday and fifth grade have recently brought into our lives.

Yep, that was my kid.  4 years old.  Heading into Kindergarten.  Natural mohawk and a smile.  I remember when Munchface first asked to have her hair straightened.  It was before she walked out of the bathroom at Ms. Sandra's for her fourth birthday party.  We put her hair into ponytails and she felt it was SO long that it was time to make it straight.

You see those pony tails.  They were barely hanging there but... they were there.  On that day (more than six years ago now), before we left the bathroom for Munch to greet her party guests, I told Munch she could get her pony tails straightened when she turned ten years old.  At that moment, Munch started the countdown until she'd have 'big girl' straight hair.  Islanders, this past Sunday (September 4th), it happened.

Yep.  She got her hair straightened for the first time.  I know.  I can't believe it either.  She tried to play it cool but every now and then, this happened:

Yep, that's a whisper squeal captured in the photo above.

The kid went from super excited to 'no big deal' to smiling and she rotated among those three for the two hours it took to finish her hair.

On the way out, I wanted a picture and this was her pose ** eye roll **

We left from hair and headed to the photo shoot.  I wasn't sure how long her hairstyle would last so, I wanted to be sure we documented this milestone.  Photo shoots mean fashion planning.  I wanted something to look back on and smile.  I didn't, however, want to over-spend on an outfit she would never wear again.

On a Goodwill trip with my mom and Munch earlier this summer, I purchased a beautiful dress for Munch.  Would you believe it was a flower girl dress, it still had tags on it and it only cost $3.90?!  It didn't come with a sash but I picked up some ribbon from Walmart on clearance for $1.50 to incorporate other colors!  Oh, and the headband came in a 3-pack for $3.  I don't know if you caught it but that's pretty cheap for her milestone photos!


My baby.  Where'd she go?!

In addition to capturing the birthday photos, we took official fifth grade photos.

Of course, during the photo shoot, I was stalker mom with the cell phone.  I was still shocked at how long her hair was even after the hair cut (3 inches!!).

On our way out, Megan, the photographer, snapped a few pics of Munch in the clothes she wore to the shoot.  Old Navy has a lot of their relaxed tanks on sale for $3.  I got the headband in a 2 pack for $3.  

Again, I ask you.  Where did my baby go?

I need to drown in my tears so, I've got to go.  Thanks for riding this emotional roller coaster with me today.  Realizing how much she's grown is difficult for me. I promise that I look at her and still see my baby.  I snap a pic and on the screen, I see the makings of a teenager and NOT MY BABY.  UGH, my soul hurts at the sight but, when I look at her face again, I still see my baby.  I know I sound crazy but seriously...  this. is. crazy!  

You're probably wondering the point.  Well, there is a moral.  

The moral of this story is you don't have to make a major investment in an outfit you're going to wear once.  Consider visiting your local thrift store for fabulous and unique finds. Oh, and if you've got some of those one-time wear outfits hanging in your closet, consider donating them for someone else to enjoy!

You see it.  Less than $7 for an outfit that will mark this milestone for the rest of our lives?  Worth it.  Tune in tomorrow for one-time wear and thrifty shopping tips.   Who knows.  I may even sprinkle in some first day photos!


Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

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