Thursday, October 26, 2017

An UN-costume: The Spider Princess.

I love holiday decor at thrift stores.  It's unique and whimsy.  It's quirky and, my favorite part, it's cheap!  On a trip to Goodwill awhile back, I found a flimsy web with a cute spider on it.  I also found a cute striped dress on clearance for $1.49 (50% off of $2.98).  I thought the two would make for a cute party outfit/costume.

Our local Goodwill also has a Halloween section.  The section has costumes, party supplies and decor.  I was able to get a faux cob web (complete with two spiders) set for $1.99.

We cut a piece and wrapped it around her ponytail with the spiders.

I thought to make a necklace and I had cobwebs to spare but the efforts of the un-costume mean that you don't focus on details like that.

We created a custom lip color using a matte deep mauve and remnants of a pink color.  It gave a really nice mauve shade and the final goodwill accessory topped it off.


I thought to buy a ribbon but I remembered we had a sash from when she was a flower girl in my bro's wedding as a toddler

Can you see that gremlin smile in the lower right?  that little orange sash is the one we flipped (bow to the front).  The sash made the perfect addition to the party dress and OMG!

Munch looked chic and fun.

The above facial exudes how we really feel about spiders but it's also because I think she's so cute it's scary!

Munch said she wouldn't wear this to trick-or-treat but it would be great for a day at school, a person passing out candy or a party goer.  She then proceeded to ask if we could have a Halloween party.  I said no.  WHAT?! Don't look at me like that.  The year of the UN-costume means she doesn't have to get all dressed up and I don't have to go all out.  No party, no discussion... and I don't feel bad about it.  Anyhoo, she loved the dress and she especially loved the hair.

If the hair was paired with all black clothes and had white cobwebs to drape over her clothes with more spiders or insects that glowed in the dark, I think Munch would've wanted to wear it in a "cooler" setting.  Hmmm, cool.  Do the real cool moms say cool? I don't know but I'll check and I'll let you know.

I think she looks great.  I think the UN-costume in this case is a great way to take any little black dress, or any party dress for that matter, and, with the addition of cobwebs to the hair, a few plastic spiders and spider-inspired eye wear, make a fabulous costume!

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