Thursday, September 22, 2016

MaseFace Is 1

My nephew.  My whole heart.  My squish.  My Maseface.

All the heart emojis.  All the happy faces. All the bittersweet emotions.

On this day one year ago, I met the little one who taught me there is always room for ONE more... one more baby to love, one more hug to give, one more reason to smile.  He has no idea the impact he has on my life.  He has no idea how many times smelling his baby neck has lifted my spirits.  His first year of life has been full of ups, downs and upside downs.  He's reminded me to smile no matter what.  He's reminded that it's okay to be sleepy or tired or sick; it's okay to be real and to feel... It's okay to be me.  The real me... But it's never okay to forget my smile.

Happy birthday, Mason.  Thanks for being another reason our family still smiles.

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