Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tribal Baby Shower Sweets Table

Are you as excited as we are to finally talk sweets deets?!

First, that giant dream catcher is amazing!  Can you believe its design is based on two hula hoops?!  Here's an inspiration photo:

Yes, that dream catcher will be used for baby Avery's newborn photos and eventually, it will hang in her room to hold stuffed animals.

Ryan's mom and the grandma-to-be, Dani, made the cupcakes.  How adorable are those punches as cupcake toppers? 

Arrows, feathers, glitter, chevron... I'm in heaven!  I also love the cupcake wraps!  You can find cupcake wrappers in the baking section of most stores, Amazon, etsy and there are lots of DIY options available for print!  Ryan, the shower lead, sent the following picture as cake inspiration:

I sent the pic to Misty of Girl Meets Cake and she didn't disappoint!

Misty felt the top tier was a little plain so we added baby's name and I LOVE how it all turned out.

Ryan made skewer arrows for Amalia's favorite treat, DONUTS!

All the table needed was a cute sign and BOOM!


The tiny tent is made of Rice Krispy treats, fondant and gumpaste flowers.  Isn't it fabulous?

Often times, sweets tables are a bunch of sweets piled onto a tabletop.  I've found that too many sweets can be just that - too much!  They can often give a cluttered appearance that overstimulates guests thus, making it impossible visually take it all in and decide to eat.  I love them, I really do.  I also hate he sad truth of sweets tables.

Sweets tables can be a waste of money.  

There. I said it.  When executing your next feature sweets table, be intentional.  Choose the type and amount of sweets that your guests will enjoy.  Not only will you minimize the amount spent but you will minimize the amount of leftovers too!  In the case of the Dream Big baby shower, the sweets were a huge hit with everyone!

Talk to you soon!  

Have a sweet rest of the week!

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