Saturday, November 15, 2014

Snapshot Saturday

Howdy, Islanders!

This post is dedicated to the powers of social media!  I am blessed to have many e-friends and to connect with them using social media.  Clarissa, one of my e-buddies, blogs over at This Afropolitan Life.  We read each other's blogs and follow each other on a few social media networks.  Then, this happened:

Yep.  Suddenly, we became real people!  I mean, it's not that we weren't real before but the barriers of the computer screens allow (or prevent?) people from being really real real... well, kinda... at least to me.  Do I sound crazy? I feel like I do... moving on!

We met.  We discussed her upcoming 30th birthday party.  She described her vision for a champagne theme and expressed that she wanted it to be all about a fun night of dancing and less about cheesy decor.  Armed with her cell phone, she accessed her Pinterest account and scrolled through her wishes and wants:

She gave me her budget and I left with the challenge of developing an inspiration board and theme to meet her requirements.  Here's what I came up with:

It's a design concept centered around the sexy elements of a champagne bottle - the pop of the bottle top, the fizz of the bubbles and the clink of glasses to toast amazing friends and life's milestones.  

We're finalizing set-up today because the party is happening later tonight!  Fingers crossed that all goes well because there may be some future opportunities.  Check her post on this photo:

YAY! O and you know I couldn't leave you without a sneak peek of a few projects for the event, right?

Want more?  Check out her Party Prep post (here).  

I know!! You're welcome.




  1. You kilt it! Great job!!!

  2. Thanks! It was lots of fun to pull this party together :)


Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

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