Thursday, April 16, 2015

TBT - RLCC's Annual Sidewalk Sale

Howdy, Islanders!

In honor of Throwback Thursdays, I'm sharing photos from my church's Spring Sidewalk Sale from last year.

Why, you ask?  Well, it's time for the Spring Sidewalk Sale again and I would LOVE for you to come shop.  This year's funds will support our church's awesome Vacation Bible School (VBS)!

Wait.  Did you just ask, "what's VBS?"

It's just an awesome week of fun for kids.  They have a lessons, crafts, games, dinner, songs and more!  Some of my greatest childhood summer memories are attending (... and later on teaching) at my church's VBS; the songs are programmed in my mind for the rest of my life.  It's a great opportunity for kids and parents (what parent doesn't need a break during summer evenings?).  Most importantly, to broaden attendance, it's a FREE event for all!  Some children can't afford summer camp and VBS is what they look forward to all summer.

If you're in the area and love a sale, we hope to see you there!


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