Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Box That Changed It All

I was telling you yesterday that I made a tough decision to cancel the party. It was a difficult decision to make but I felt strong.  Then, the doorbell rang.   I heard a delivery truck zoom off into the distance and, as I opened the front door, I saw it.  On the porch, there it was. The box.

I wasn't sure which box was delivered but I assumed it was something for the party (that would never happen).  I opened it.

A knot swelled in my throat.

The personalized cookies arrived.  They were designed to fit the theme perfectly.

They were beautiful.  They were also a hard dose of reality.  This party.  These crafts.  This vision was going to be trapped inside of my head for the rest of my life.  This would be the party that never happened.  It was official.  I was no longer okay.  I didn't feel strong.  I was a squishy blob of emotions.  What was a mom to do?

I did what every mom does.

I went on social media.  DUH!

The caption reads:  "It ain't always sweet.  Parenting is hard.  The kid learned a lesson this week.  Just two days before #zionsfarewe11, she lost the PRIVILEGE of an [epic] party.  The arrival of the adorable cookie package reminded me of my time, my energy, and my money I've lost... nevertheless, nothing comes at a higher price than an important life lesson.  #tryme #momloss #momwin #nottheone #nottoday #nottomorrow #notnever #thatneverwas #anybodywantaparty"

So often, social media is only for pretty images and perpetuating the perfect life.  I don't know about you but my life isn't perfect and sometimes, it's GREAT to share that fact... bucking against the system, if you will.

In response to my picture, I was contacted by a mom.  Her daughter's birthday party was a few days after my post.  She asked if I would sell any or all of the items for the party at a drastically discounted price.

I responded to her message asking her theme and colors to see what would fit and she said, "I don't have a theme... or anything.  Her birthday was June 30th but I wasn't able to do anything."

Did you catch that?!  The baby's birthday was a whole month prior to my post!  We exchanged phone numbers and she called me.  In our conversation, the mom explained that she lost her job, fell on hard times and had a plan to have a simple family birthday swim at the pool (because it's free on certain days) back in June.  On the day, everyone got ready to go to the local pool for free.  When it was time to leave, mom couldn't find her keys.  She looked all day... only to find them late that night in the freezer.  She promised when she got a job the family would celebrate her birthday with whatever they had.

She told me she had $10 to spare and her daughter could invite 5 little neighborhood friends over.  She would make a cake ($2), order a Little Caesar's pizza ($5), a pack of Capri Suns ($2) and put on her favorite movie.  If I was willing to part with anything, she could find another $10.

There you have it.  Jessie waited a whole month for her party.  She was crazy excited to have her friends over for pizza and a movie.  On the call, we both cried for our struggles - FB mom cried because she was overjoyed I'd help; I cried because I was overjoyed she'd let me help.  We both were moms struggling... different struggles but we've both been where the other now was.  She told me Jessie never complained and that she would pray for her mom to get a new job and, now that she had one, mom was going to keep her word.

Islanders, sometimes sharing your 'rough' times will position you to be a blessing to someone else.  God took my mess and he used it to bless.  Jessie was OFFICIALLY going to have a party.

I rallied the troops for help.  My amazing sis-in-love made the centerpieces.  My church framily friend, Dianna, handled balloons for the space.  Misty baked up a cake.  Mrs. Lucy made the entryway sign.  Melina helped with sweets and decor.  Devona sent money for birthday gifts (school clothes).  Sheena sent money and birthday gifts (school clothes).  Mrs. Lucy and Melina bought gifts (a bookbag filled with school clothes).  This was going to be an awesome day.  I told FB mom to invite more people.  I told her to be sure Jessie was surrounded by family and that we would take care of the rest.

The day came.  We all were so full and this moment made it all worth it.

Tune in tomorrow to see what all the squeals and jumps and emotions are about.


  1. Ahhhhh. I'm crying. You are a kind, generous soul. I can't wait for tomorrow's post!!!

    1. It was a great day! We were all honored to give such a sweet girl an awesome party!

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Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

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