Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Summer 2017 Event Marathon

If you follow me on Instagram, you may recognize the above photo from my story.  If you still don't follow me, did you know you're missing out on a DAILY dose of Island happenings?  Anyhoo, I posted the above photo because my story was crazy in the weeks leading up to the big move.  All of those events on top of finalizing the moving company pickup, and preparing for school scheduled to start August 10th made me move at lightning speed!

It was crazy, I was a crafting machine.  I was on FIRE!  Things were just coming together effortlessly.  We will start with the baby shower client.  It was such a unique theme and the post will include some FREE printables.  Come back tomorrow for more!

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Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

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