Monday, October 16, 2017

A Green Eggs and Ham Baby Shower

It is very difficult to sever ties after the planning of a major life event like a wedding. In the case of Faye and her big day, I handled a lot of tasks before the wedding (graphics design, vendor recommendations, advice on daily tasks, etc.); we spent a lot of time pulling her wedding together.  As a matter of fact, you may recall her wedding from June 2015 (read more here).

Faye's married name is Green.  Everything on her social media accounts is #teamGreen or #Gmen or #theGreenteam... you get the point, right?  When it was time to plan her shower, her family decided on a Green Eggs and Ham theme.  I didn't receive the Facebook invite until the week of but I reached out and offered support.  I was asked to provide favors and anything I could spare for decor.

Islanders, I wasn't sure of the theme but I slept on it and woke with some ideas.  I said.  I wasn't sure.  NOT that I didn't like it.  OR that it wasn't great... I just have a love-hate relationship with out-of-the-box events.  I love when people are unique and different and innovative but -- dang!  I also... can appreciate and [admit that I often times...] just long for a typical blue baby shower... I feel like sometimes some people just do the most.  Whatever happened to simpler times?... said NO event planner ever. BUT.  Well, still.

Anyhoo, once I realized my angle for the designs, I became excited and I got to work.  I only had a few days after all.  I am super excited to share the outcome so, here goes!

I designed those tags to top these little boxes (with mama's favorite chocolates inside).

Oh, the boxes and candy are from Party City.  The ribbon and gems are from Michael's.  I printed the tags 6/sheet on 4x6 prints at CVS for $.29 each.  Aren't they super cute?

I designed the signs using Dr. Seuss graphics I ordered off etsy.  Check out what I came up with:

Those are a few of my designs but they look amazing in the frames from Dollar Tree.

I printed 12 signs (2 of each design) and I provided them, along with the favors and a few other small details, to her mom. The baby shower was to be hosted from her mom's home and that house, with its huge patio and large yard, is perfect for events!  Oh, did I mention the shower was a surprise? Well, it was and that made the wow factor even greater.  From the updates I received, our little contributions helped to tie it all together.

Custom prints are easy and affordable ways to unify the space and to re-iterate the theme for guests.  This is critical for original party themes.

I was unable to attend the shower due to a schedule conflict.  I did, however, want my dear friend and bridal client to know how happy I am for her growing family!  

Oh, in case you're wondering...

Spoiler ALERT.

He's here....

... and he's beautiful!  Gosh, we love you already, Easton!  Welcome to the Green Team!

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2025 © Shipwrecked on Fabulous Island. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.