Tuesday, October 24, 2017

An UN-costume: The Pumpkin.

I came up with the idea for the pumpkin un-costume and I almost forgot Munch was a pumpkin for her second Halloween.  She was super cute... that is, when she wasn't snatching the hat off of her head.

For the pumpkin un-costume, we used 2 pieces of green felt and a few pipe cleaners to create the head piece and the shirt clip.  The shirt was a $1 find at Goodwill.  She paired it with a pair of jeans and sandals she already had on hand.  

Oh, I almost forgot the sandals were purchased from Goodwill earlier in the summer because she fell in love with them (they were brand new with tags and they were priced at only $3!).

To make your leaves:

1.  Cut 3 large leaves.

2.  Glue them in layers atop an alligator hair clip.

3.  Create spirals using the pipe cleaners by wrapping them around your fingers.

4.  Glue the pipe cleaners to the leaves wherever you see fit.

4.  Use the remaining felt to make smaller leaves.  Repeat the steps for the smaller clothing clip. Adhere to the top of your outfit as an accent.

For the face makeup, you'll need black eyeliner, black paint and *optional* black lipstick.

1.  Use the eyeliner to draw triangles around the eyes and to elongate the smile lines on the sides of the mouth.

2.  Use the paint to fill the eye triangles. 

3.  Use the paint (as we did) or the lipstick to fill the jack-o-lantern smile.

VOILA!  You've turned into a pumpkin!

Munch liked this costume so much!  She said she may consider wearing it to the school fall festival.  Hol' up.  Y'all gon' act like that's not major... a middle schooler would actually wear it to a school function *like* with friends.

I knew she liked it when she was dancing.  Heck, she even created a pumpkin pose.

HAHAHA!!! That face!  Her hands are supposed to be the ground as her pumpkin head rests on it - HAHA!!!  Anyhoo, I love how simple and easy this costume is to create.  Pair it with anything orange, make a quick and cheap headpiece, and rock it with a dramatic eye and black lip.  How cute for an adult costume too, right?!  I also love that we only paid $1 for the shirt on sale at Goodwill.  

If you don't have anything orange, don't be shy to visit your local thrift store!

Wait until you see how we re-used the greenery head piece to create another cute and easy costume tomorrow!


Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

2025 © Shipwrecked on Fabulous Island. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.