Friday, September 19, 2014

Some People Suck - But Not Sherry.

So... Did you get my blog post notification and about lose your mind?

Yes.  I did too!

Seriously, can you believe Tabitha typed some people suck?!  OMG!  What's gotten into her?!

Islanders, it's true. You do know that some people suck.  I could give a list of people who suck or describe some signs of people who suck but... who am I kidding?

It was a STUPID auto-correct mistake.  I started THIS post with the title, "Some People ROCK!"

I got distracted.

I needed to get photos so I closed it.


... or maybe I just clicked PUBLISH and stupid auto-correct changed my word?!

I should be embarrassed, huh? I should offer an apology. I should -- wait.  It's not that serious.  Especially since no one who reads THIS blog sucks :)

Anyhoo, thanks for all the emails, texts and phone calls to make sure I was ok.  I really appreciate how close we've become over the years :)

So, some people DO suck... but not my Sherry.  With Fall schedules and school upon us, I'm really happy with the start of our routine in the third grade.  It seems this year has started with a lot of introductory projects - the 'all about me' write-up, the 'all about me' poster and now we have giant letter timeline project (an -m and an -e as in another 'all about ME') due Monday.  These projects require stickers, glue and scissors but we usually make do with whatever we have on hand.  Man, if I were awesome like Sherry, I'd have one of these:

That, my sweet people, is a school supply station.  

What?!  You haven't seen one of those beauties before?

Mid-summer, Sherry stocks a shoe organizer with the supplies typically required to complete school homework and projects.  These items remain in one central location close to where the kids complete homework assignments.

In addition to school supplies, the school supply station also houses batteries!!

Staplers, calculators, crayons, pens... everything one would need (to, let's say, turn in a ME project by this coming Monday) is located in one place!

I may not SUCK but, as a mom, it *totally* SUCKS when I can't find any glue sticks...  Now, I know the supply list said 4 and they're sold in packs of three or *like* 500... we should HAVE some stupid glue sticks around this camp.  It also sucks to get into a project and have to stop to waste time looking for something as critical as the things we need to hold it together.  

If I just designated an area for the kid's supplies, I'd save my time, energy and MONEY!

We have a busy weekend ahead of us but I'm definitely going to start our school supply station (and help Munch finish the ME project)!!!

Have a productive weekend, Islanders!


1 comment

  1. LOL, I wondered about that. haha. I was like, dannnggg, short and sweet, Tabby! ;)

    Love this school supply station, what a great idea!


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