Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Rockin' Out - The Fun.

I'm back!  We went to Georgia to visit family and celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday last weekend and then school started and… well, the birthday party wrap-up was put on pause... but, guess what?! I'm baaaa-aaack!

Anyhoo, let's get to the fun of the party!

While this birthday party had most of my signature party elements, it was different because the best parts were moments we shared in a space that had NO decor - the dance room.

We'll get to that shortly, it's probably best to break down the order of events first.
As guests arrived, they received a VIP pass to the basement where all of the fun took place.  Sheena designed them on the PicMonkey site, then took them to Staples for printing and laminating.  We hole-punched the passes and attached them to glow bead necklaces using badge clips.

They were SO awesome!  The presentation was more than I ever expected and I owe it all to my Sheena-boo!

With their all-access passes, guests were allowed to enter the VIP area where they decorated their guitars:

I also had Tati, 'Queda, Jasmine and Sheena on staff to ensure all of our rock stars were made over.  These makeovers included hair - mascara and clip-ins, nails - glow and glitter polish, tattoos - glow and rock star, and makeup - glow paint and mascara with lip stick.

Baby Raquel loved her tattoos.

After everyone was all rocked out, we had a ROCK the Runway activity for the kids.  I handed prizes to specific judges and assigned each judge a category - Best Guitar, Best Walk, Most Rock Star, Best All Around, etc.  I turned the music on and demonstrated how they'd walk then unleashed them on the runway.

Each guest (those that weren't playing shy) took their turn stompin the runway.  After everyone walked, they lined up and held up their guitars so judges could see. 

The prizes were paint splatter fedora-style hats that glowed in the dance room.  Once the last hat was given, I turned on the [bluetooth enabled] lightshow boom box and the kids headed downstairs for fun!  With the tunes flowing, the dance party officially commenced!

We blasted Party Like a Rock Star until everyone was in the room then transition to 'The Wobble.'  At first, it was Munch dancin' with the adults; the other kids were wayyyy too shy to boogie down. 

It was during this time that I switched the hair bow lights on and we were all set!

Munchface was having a blast and, after a few songs, the other kids started to loosen up too!

Cupid shuffle.

Munch made a request that DJ Daddy play her favorite song and we had a full-on performance ensue. 

I'm talkin' singing, dancing, performing for everyone in attendance to witness. 

I'm certain guests probably thought we rehearsed or planned for all the wiggles we received but NOPE!  Hubbs and I were MORE shocked than those in attendance!

Chazity, Munch's sister-cousin, said she wanted to perform a dance for the birthday girl.  I asked what song she needed and she said NO song... she just needed space.

Just as she said, "space,"  her little arms started to make the back-up motions for nearby kids.  Yes, your imagination is accurate.  She did the same motion a breakdancer would, lol.  One of the dads and Hubbs gave some beats by knocking on the wall and I - yes, me - busted a corny rhyme.

She popped:

She locked:

…and she dropped:


The crowd cheered for all of our wigglers and continued dancing.  After a few more songs, I broke away to ensure we were ready for goodie bags while Hubbs and other dads entertained the kids.

They also had a lot of fun themselves:

The kids danced until they broke a sweat (I believe it was because the grown-ups cleared out a bit).

I love those pics of DatMyHoney.  She was hanging with the big girls... It was funny to see her be treated like the baby cousin, lol.  You know, when all the big kids go in the room to wiggle and dance and the young one opens the door only to be gently turned around and have the door closed.  She didn't care.  She was going to hang with the big girls :)

The guests left the dance room and headed right outside the door to the SWAG table for favors.

I'm sure you remember the goodies.  We had all kinds of goodies:

OMG! Islanders, I couldn't figure out why I didn't seem to have NEARLY enough SWAG bags. A day or so after the party, however, I FOUND the remaining bags in the garage - REALLY?! Now, I've got a dozen or so drawstring backpacks if anyone needs one.

With every bag stuffed with rocker supplies, the kids headed upstairs for the birthday song.  I positioned the cake on the drumset and had Z's friends gather around for the birthday song. 

The candle was a light-up number from Walmart.  It looked AWESOME!

We sang the birthday song... then the Stevie Wonder version of the birthday song... Matter of fact, I think my mom sang every version of the birthday song known to man. It was a funny moment because my mom knows like one (out of three) lines for each version - haha.
With the party activities done, it was time for some open play.  The kids headed outside to rock out on the front yard:

I haven't told you this but we're the young ones on the block.  All of our neighbors are the original homeowners and have grandchildren Munch's age.  They pressure us on Thanksgiving to hang our Christmas decor and they look forward to Munch coming around on Halloween.  I knew, when a bunch of kids were giggling that they would love the lively sounds the party brought to our quiet area.
You can see my neighbor down there in the white shirt coming out to greet the kids with her sassy little dog.

Once again, I couldn't get over the little ones.  They were having so much fun:

You can see the tattoos, hair extensions and, well, super star cuteness:

I could say this event was a success because of the great decor or fun games or the cool favors but I knew it was a success when no one wanted to LEAVE!

Aren't Munch's pajamas the cutest?

We wound up with a group of girls staying the night!  That's right.  The dance party continued into the night.  The girls twirled and squealed in the dance room for hours.  We ordered pizza and let them continue to rock out until they passed out (around 5 a.m.)!!!  The next day, I made breakfast:

Then I got all of them ready to play until pick-up time:

We even squeezed in a trip to the park!


Many of the moms sent messages that their kids were talking about the party for days following.  Some of the kids woke later the next day asking if they could come back for more fun.  I just had to graciously decline - this mama needed REST!


1 comment

  1. Oh my goodnesssss! What an amazing party. You seriously win mama of the year award, we all bow down to the Queen. :) VIP passes, I can't even. You rock.


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