Thursday, September 11, 2014

Third Grade - The Beginning.

We're done with the rock star party updates... finally. For now.  I have some crafts and recipes I'll share further down the line but I'm actually excited to share some new life updates...

As you saw last week, school has started and, man, was my kid ready!

I love her first day outfit and, although it broke our tradition of wearing navy and pink (remember I talked about it last year here), it was still a very cute mix of classic black-and-white with a pop of electric blue.

I was excited to get this dress for, as you can see above, $14.95!  I also got her heart sneakers from H & M for $12.95.  They aren't available on the site but they're still in the store.

I love H & M for their fashion-forward affordability!  So many moms are stuck in the Target, Children's Place, Walmart rush that they miss the originality found in H & M!  I had this vision of a long blazer for her to wear and I searched for the perfect pop of color for the blazer to be...  I never found it and I was bummed.  Man, was I bummed.

We finished school shopping weeks before the first day of school.  Then, for Munch's birthday, several people read my post about her desire to wear sweat pants to school and got her gift cards to Justice, the store that sells their version of the 'Britney Spears' sweat pants.

The day before school started, the kid and I went.  She was excited to find the perfect pair of sweats:

That's what compromise looks like, people.  After seeing how excited she was to wear the pair of sweats from Grandma Lisa and Pop-Pop on the road trip to GA:

... Hubbs and I decided to let her wear whatever she'd like on Fridays.  We're sure as it gets cooler SWEATS will be her outfit of choice.  No doubts about it.

Anyhoo, while in Justice, we found the perfect pair of electric blue tights and a matching headband... on MAJOR sale (that place is VERY expensive for my budget).  Munch used her gift cards for the sweatsuit and I got the blue stuff :)

She wanted the piggy buns (as she calls her hair style).  I met the request but also added a little rock star element with the front piece:

That's just three rubber bands that I criss-crossed down the small ponytail.  I pulled at the hair between each 'criss-cross' to create a zig-zag look.

For our trip to Georgia, Munch picked out my nail design (she even suggested purple instead of pink in the inspiration photo):

I watched how the nail tech did the accent nail - it's gold polish on the base and she started with a thin white polish and made an X then filled the four 'triangle' areas with the letter -V to create a really cool look.  I knew the kid would be really excited to have her nails the same way so I tried my best to duplicate on her tiny hands:

It's a V instead of an X but her hands are still really tiny, lol.

If you've been on the island for awhile, you know we have a family tradition that Munch does something for Hubbs and I every year.  This year, we woke to a thank you poster she made us:

It never ceases to amaze me how these little traditions have stuck with my kid.  Speaking of traditions, since Kindergarten, we've had a first day sign:

Well, I mentioned the recent trip to GA, right?  Did I also mention it was the weekend before school started?  How about the fact that we left on a Thursday... as in, I had to wrap-up projects at work and pack.  Yea, pack.  That's it. I had to PACK. So, well... I didn't have a sign.

I was devastated but I promised myself that I was the only one who even noticed we do that every year. I could just add the text when I edit the image and the kid wouldn't know.

Yea, right.

Before we headed out to our porch to take the annual back-to-school photo, the kid hollered, "Mommy, I'm ready!  O, wait. Where's my first day sign?"

I reached for the garage door and replied, "I don't have it."

"WHAT?!" the kid and man yelled in unison.

"I said. I. Don't. Have. It.  Now, come on.  Let's take this pic."

Both of them were silent... almost as if they were as devastated as I was about the stupid little piece of paper.  Part of me was SO mad at myself for not having it... the other part was kinda happy.

I mean, I am normally that person who DOES the most for no reason.  The one who researches for the best quality book bags and over thinks the first day outfit... the one who writes notes on napkins for her kid's lunches:

Hubbs wrote this note and I just HAD to add that comma.  Doin' the most. Told ya.

Some days - as a real mom and wife and friend and, well, person - I feel like nobody even cares about the labor of love I put into this so-called life of mine.  The missing sign, and my family's reaction to it, was a subtle reminder for me the selfish people I live with DO appreciate me.

Anyhoo, to compensate for the missing sign, we had a mini interview and I used that as our 'sign' on the back-to-school photo this year:

Yep.  So, maybe I'll do both - a sign and interview - every year from now on... or maybe not.  Would that be doing the most?

Ahh well.


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