Friday, October 27, 2017

An UN-costume: The Sugar Skull

The next get-up in our UN-costume series is the sugar skull.  If you're like me and don't do the gore and fright of the holiday, this cute option is for you!  I found the adorable dress and fell in love.  It was a boutique dress with an $80 retail price tag.  The original Goodwill price was $6.98 but, because I got it 50% off, I only paid $3.49!  The details of the pleated skirting, the sequence and the gold bow charm were beautiful!

We added skeleton gloves, a sugar skull-inspired mask, and sugar skull face stickers to the crease of her mouth.  Everything was purchased from the Goodwill Halloween section and it all cost $1.99/each.  Less than $10 and the kid LOVED her costume.

We piled on the gaudy jewelry - rings and necklaces.  It's probably the only way I'd get her excited to put on a dress this frilly these days. 

In the above photo, the kid was saying, "I feel *like* so amazing.  I wish I could wear my lips like this all the time.  Mom, I think I wanna wear THIS on Halloween."

She slipped into character and served!

For the lips, I used black lip liner to outline and white liner to draw the teeth.

The sass is great with this one, Islanders.

The funny is too.  Oh, and the DAB is too!

See you tomorrow with a bonus costume!


Life Update - Divorce.

In my last post, I mentioned it's been 6 years since I last blogged and this particular life update is one of the reasons I buried my he...

2025 © Shipwrecked on Fabulous Island. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.