Monday, September 2, 2013

Hello September

Hello, September!
Islanders, I hope you are enjoying time with your family and thanking God for those who sacrifice their freedom so we can enjoy ours.
Today, we will take it easy around these parts.  After all, it's officially a SCHOOL night.  We met Munch's teacher and just-about have the routine down for tomorrow.  I'll post pics but goodness!! This has been an eventful summer.

Can I just tell you?!
Let me start by saying I love Munch's summer camp.  This is our second year and they do an amazing job!  It's educational, entertaining and full of fun!  Munchface has, however, had some painful experiences this year...
1. Munch was playing at the top of the slide platform.  She reached for the fireman pole and her foot slipped causing her to fall (all of her weight).  She landed on the corner of the platform... on her lady parts.  I received a call that I needed to come check her out because the staff could not check that area.  I ran over to the school and, Islanders, let me just tell you, there is NOTHING that could prepare me to deal with that kind of injury on my Munchface. 

I mean, what mother is prepared for that?
Yes, there were cuts.  No, she didn't need stitches.  But GOODNESS, I'm scarred for life.
2.  She had an "accident."  As in #1-ed on herself.  As in, we're 6.  How does that happen?  UGH.
3.  The day after the "accident" (8/27/2013), Munch BROKE her thumb playing soccer.  Another camper kicked the ball and it hit her right thumb.  We went to get the cast and, when the doctor informed us that the break will not require a cast, Munch had the nerve to get upset.  Like, really upset.
Like, are-you-seriously-pouting-up-in-this-doctor's-office-right-now upset.
The doctor put a splint on her hand and we left the office.  By the time we made it to the car, she was crying... When I asked why, this is what I got between sniffles:
"I was gonna have people sign it... It was gonna be orange, mommy.  ORANGE."
The next day, she further explained that Ms. Melissa said she'd sign her orange cast and now, she'd be disappointed.
REALLY?!  I mean, seriously.  REALLY?!
How about we remain grateful that you didn't break your WRITING hand.  How about we remain grateful that our cheerleading isn't going to be cancelled because of it?
Needless to say, I am ready for second grade.  I won't be crying. I won't be emotional. I won't be anything but relieved.  Yes, RELIEVED that she will decrease her odds of mishaps like this for now.
Free printable from here!
See you tomorrow with the annual first day school photos :)

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