Monday, September 9, 2013

Saving September


I've written about creating an intentional home.  Today, I have a confession.

I've been avoiding taking care of my home's "problem" areas because I would rather fluff and decorate to make it feel home-y (is that even a frikkin' word?).  I've allowed myself to lose focus because I've had family visiting, or guests coming or I tell myself that I deserve to enjoy decorating because I held back in the last house.

Now, by no means am I claiming to be at a stopping point with home décor around these parts. I do, however, admit that I've got to get some things under control.  I've decided to make September a no-spend month.  Meaning, I'm not going to buy anything except necessities. 

No clothes. No shoes.  No housewares. No décor. Nope. Nothing.  Nada. Zilch.


I need to take this month to improve the functionality of our home.  I am going to finally go through that pile of papers I tucked into a basket with the intention of going through them eventually.  Eventually is now.  I'm excited to organize my bedroom closet and... Islanders, this next task is huge.  Are you ready?

I'm going to clean and organize my craft room.

I know.  I know.  That one space alone could take all month.

Did I just post this pic? It just got real.  Like, really real.

Don't judge me and please, don't call Hoarders.  Remember, before I could even unpack, I had the Masquerade Bridal Shower, the Vegas wedding, the Fredericksburg wedding, the lemonade birthday party, the rest of the house to unpack, settling, summer camp, second grade, work travel, baby showers, wedding planning... ARE YOU EVEN SURPRISED that my oasis, my haven, my personal mom cave went neglected?

My craft room became a dumping ground.  Hello, donation piles.  How are you, craft junk?  O, you little thrifty nifty tiddlywink purchase, how the heck are ya?!

I've got a month to organize and to further define our home's functionality before I pick back up with making this house our home.

I'll still post progress pictures of rooms and share other ideas but ALL of my projects will involve things I already have.

O and I have another confession.

I went shopping on September 1st.  Again, don't judge me.

The month of no shopping started on September 2nd.

Yea, for real this time.

Wanna join me on the no-spend challenge?  It's time to make what we have work for us :)


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