Friday, September 13, 2013

The Big Girl Room: A Mini Update

I don't have too much to report on the Big Girl Room front.  You know she got the desk from Dom and Sheena:

We love it.  It fits the space perfectly.  Honestly, I don't know if we'll find another desk to fit so, as she grows, I plan to put risers under each of the legs.

I also ordered the perfect chair for her desk:

Yes, I ordered yellow.  Yes, I know that it doesn't "match" the aqua, white and pink color scheme going on in this space... Just hold tight, I also know that I wanted an accent color. You know, a color to add visual interest throughout the space... a pillow on the bed, a painting on the wall... A CHAIR!
All-in-all, we love the homework nook. It works perfectly for the space and helps contain art supplies to a very neat and CUTE area.  We've started to settle into the homework nook and I can't wait to share some of our storage solutions (I just need to take pics - sorry!) :/
The day before Munch's birthday party, Devona picked up (and put together) the next organization piece - the book case:
I've changed some things around on the book case since these photos but I just love it!
I know... The cords need to be covered, the lighting is poor and the décor needs to be re-situated BUT it's working and Devona was a great help. Thanks, boo!
The only other update I have is the reading nook and, let's just say as it's coming together, it deserves to have its own update.
Hubbs and I plan to wrap-up some larger projects around the room this weekend.
Stay tuned :)


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