Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Keep Truckin'

Happy Tuesday!
To further set the tone of what this No-Spend September business is all about, I wanted to share a photo I snapped awhile back:
I stopped at a gas station a few weeks back and, while I waited for Munch to strap in, I glanced over to see the photographed BRILLIANT trucker. 
Check out that photo again:
This guy placed a disposable coffee cup in a mug for an ease-of-sipping solution.
I want to BE that trucker. 
Well, you know what I mean, not BE but...  I want to channel my inner genius and find the innovative solutions around my home that will improve our home life.
Cheers to PROGESS!
Stay tuned for the next Big Girl Room Update (closet organization, homework nook organization, etc.).
We're truckin' through some projects around these parts (between cheerleading practice, second grade homework and our regular life) and I am so excited to share!
Cheers to a productive week,

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