Thursday, September 5, 2013

3 Tears for Second Grade!

Hey, Islanders!
You may recall, in one of the back-to-school fashion posts, that I fell head-over-heels for the classic pink and navy color combo.  Remember my inspiration boards? 

Feel free to check them out here and here!
Well, during our tax-free weekend shopping, we hit up Crazy8 to purchase the outfit:

I snagged the top for full price and the shoes were on sale for $14.  The cropped pants, however, were a minor issue for us.  I purchased them for full price ($25??!!!) and thought we were done.  See, Hubbs had to work so Munch and I hit the streets for deals.  Don't worry, we followed my rules for back-to-school shopping (here); we were SO ready.  Later that evening, it was time to present our purchases to Hubbs.  I was surprised that he was less-than impressed... with the prices, that is.  He packed up what he thought we could find for a better deal, cropped pants included, and we headed to TJMaxx.  Would you believe we found  the perfect skinny jeans in the exact same coral color for $9.99?!  Even with the tax-free discount, that is a MUCH better deal.
The man was right.
...and, Islanders, THAT doesn't happen often.
If you're interested, Crazy8 is having a sale - everything is $12.99!!!  Check out their website for some cute clothes :)

Now, I'm sure you saw most of the pics in the Wordless Wednesday post but I am just SO pleased with how adorable and comfortable Munch was in her outfit that I must share one more shot:

We also got the zebra book and lunch bags she chose from Pottery Barn:

Munchface started second grade confident in her brain power, ready to face new challenges and excited to meet new friends.  I know what you're thinking and, yes, I did shed three itty-bitty tears. 


O, stop!!
Not because I was that sad but because she's so small... and watching her get on the big ol' bus headed to another new school where she didn't know anyone for the third year in a row and-- UGH.
In her own little way, she's just so brave and I-- I.  I called the man and I let my three itty-bitty tears fall.
Three itty-bitty tears are better than the Kindergarten whirlwind cry-your-eyeballs-out teary hot-messness, right?!

You can read more about that here.

Munch had a successful first day of second grade and we are excited to experience our new school in our new neighborhood.  What the heck, new clothes just sweetened the deal :)


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