Can you tell I had an eventful weekend? Saturday, we hosted an awesome baby shower for Hubbs' favorite cousin, Selena and it was loads of fun!
Because I had to decorate from afar, I focused my efforts on easy-to-pack paper crafts and decor. I knew I wanted to fill the walls but I didn't want the traditional football party items sold at the party stores. Instead, I used black foam core board and chalk to create large-scale wall art that resembled football plays.
Guests were greeted by a sign that read, "Down! Set! Come In!"
For the centerpieces, I made two designs - both were field goals made of popsicle sticks and wooden dowels I spray painted silver. I painted football cups (5/$2.45 from The Village Thrift), used blue aquarium rocks to anchor the goal posts, and alternated pennant banners like this on half:
... and a footballs like this on the other half:
Here are some of the other posters I made.
Other signs were at the stations like the photo booth.
Down! Set! Click!
Speaking of the photo booth, I reused our paper baby shower props but I also used some football-themed props. Can you see Munch's helmet in the back?
Selena, mommy-to-be, is holding a #myteamisbetter sign.
At the diaper decorating station, we scattered infant diapers on the table with markers for guests to write funny messages for the parents to read during late night changes.
Guests used clothespins to attach them to the Down! Set! Decorate sign. Cute, right?! We situated the diaper decorating station next to the sweets table; it was super cute too!
I found a free printable and placed it in a frame I got from the Dollar Tree.
Anchoring the table were the popcorn cones. I used paper designed to look like football plays to hold two flavors of popcorn.
I stuck Popsicle sticks into styrofoam blocks (both from the Dollar Tree) and it was an instant party snack. Oh and I can't forget the yummy football cake pops Chef Joy made.
I sprinkled green Easter basket grass over a cake pop display to create a cool display. Speaking of Chef Joy creations, her onesie- and football-shaped cookies were a hit!
The highlight craft for the sweets table, and quite possibly the entire event, was the cupcake bleacher stand!
It was only a few bucks to create and I'll show you how in a future post! The cupcakes made for the perfect "fans" to the football field cake they ordered from a local grocery store. The cake was moist and delish.
I really wanted to bring this event together using details - penalty flags (napkins), custom food labels and the drink station.
Each cup was labeled with a "Posession" tag for guests to write their name. I'm sure this came in handy because the RSVP list only had 30 people but guess what. We had 70 people show up! It was fun though! We played a few games:
We snapped a few family pics.

This shower was a fun and fabulous party perfect for the laid back parents-to-be!
Ok, we've talked about my Friday (the hair), my Saturday (the shower) and my Sunday (adopting Nuke). Now, I can finally get to some tutorials and details from the CRAFT ROOM and the FOOTBALL SHOWER!
O... HOW RUDE of me. How was your weekend?

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