Lipstick. Tutu dress. Big fancy purse. She headed to the dining room (her office) and mimicked me for about two hours. She had multiple teleconferences and "big" meetings. She even had to leave to get her baby doll from daycare. During the snow-induced cabin fever it's easy for me to spend more time fussing at Munch than enjoying time with Munch.
Do you see that photo? I sent it to Devona. Munch was singing... wrapped in a blanket and squirming on the floor while I worked at the kitchen table. That's just an example of how she can drive me batty! As you can imagine, it was nice to get a good giggle at her perception of Mommy working from home.
She's quite the character. She said she's turning into a girly-girl... of the lip gloss wearing variety. I even caught her in the car sitting like this:
Legs crossed, hands resting on her lap. I couldn't help but laugh then snap a pic, duh!
As much as she cracks me up, Munch is quite the DIY assistant. She was more than willing to help on craft room projects and actually painted half the craft table. Do you remember the table I picked up from Craigslist for $20 nearly two years ago.
Truthfully, she painted better than I. She took her time and carefully covered every inch of the area she painted. LOVE MY LITTLE HELPER!!
Didn't we do a good job transforming a kitchen table into a work table for me, my friends and potential projects?
Have a productive and fabulous weekend!

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