Vegas Funny Moments 3 & 4:
Vegas is 3 hours BEHIND our East Coast time... We left our home at 4:30 a.m. to arrive and get situated in enough time for our 6:30 a.m. flight. We arrived in Vegas a little before 2:00 p.m. and I was exhausted.
After we got to the room and put our bags down, I met the girls for some shopping on the Vegas Strip. Like a punch to the forehead, jetlag hit me around 6:30 p.m. (which was 9:30 p.m. back home).
I needed a pick-me-up.
My radar led me to Starbucks, of course.
I was the only customer and made conversation with my new loves, the Baristas. I asked that they make my coffee EXTRA special... Fancy pants, if you will.
We laughed about random things only found in Vegas like Disney characters and pimps (it's legal in Vegas) on the same corners of the street.
While I waited on my fancy pants drink, I noticed a jumbotron of scrolling pics. Apparently, if you hashtag Starbucks Vegas (#starbucksVegas), your image and/or message appears on the scrolling jumbotron.
WHAT?! You mean, my picture could be famous?
I waited for it. They said the screen refreshes after 15 minutes. I sat outside and STALKED waited on the jumbotron to refresh.
Imagine this: I see the pic, I scream, run and JUMP on the bench under the pic. Slowly walking under it as it scrolls by... The baristas, the patrons and my so-called friends laughed.
But I- I was a celebrity photographer.
... If only for 15 minutes.
Speaking of celebrity... On our way home, we had a layover in Long Beach, CA. There was a group of *like* a gajillion high school kids flying from CA to DC.
Hubbs left to use the rest room and a girl ran up to this kid, whispered something in his ear and he responded, "I DON'T KNOW. STOP ASKING ME!"
Another kid runs up and whispers something in his ear. He responds, "WHY DON'T YOU ASK?"
A few minutes later, he leaned across the charging station and asks me, "uh... ma'am? Is that guy you're with famous?... Like a football player or rapper?"
I SHOULD have said yes and made Hubbs pose for pics with each of the gajillion kids. I SHOULD have said I was famous and he was my younger brother who was trying to be a rapper. Start a mini riot in the middle of the smallest airport *like* ever...
Instead, I burst into laughter for about 30 seconds before I wiped the tears from my eyes and responded, "GOSH NO!!!"
For a second, however, we BOTH were celebrities.

Too funny! Definitely should have said yes and gave him the stink eye. So then he'd be trying to Google and figure out who he was. :)