Friday, August 30, 2013

Sunshine & Lemonade - Fun & Favors

I've already mentioned that I was set-up 20 minutes before the party time, right? 

Well, that's all thanks to Devona. 
She was a blur day-of so this is one of the only pics of her, lol.
While I was awaiting our guests to arrive, Devona was at the grocery store picking up supplies, at the house making sandwiches and grabbing the food to bring back to the venue.  She came the day before too but we'll talk about that soon enough. 
Anyhoo, I had help... That's a major deal for me, Islanders!  Mom brought the food with her, Hubbs ran to the store for more drinks and, what made it EXTRA great, people were still on their way when the party started.
There is an old me who would have a panic attack at the thought of my buffet NOT being set-up on time.  The new Better Me (remember? read about her here), however, was cool.  We were dressed, set-up and ready for fun on time.  The food would be outside, it's probably better that it arrive a little later.  No worries. 
About 30 minutes in, we were ready to start.
I announced that we were celebrating Munch's birthday with o-LEM-pic events.  Some events would have prizes, some would be group competitions but all would be fun.
The first event of the o-LEM-pics was the coloring contest.  I gave the kids 5 minutes to color.  The person with the most completed and all-around best picture won:

While the judges deliberated, the kids and I moved to the dock for event #2. 
The Lemon Drop
I purchased the large bouncy balls (on clearance at Target) and had each competitor try to bounce the ball on their head.  The person with the most bounces won a prize.  It wasn't easy at all but they had fun trying!

I chose a winner and promised a prize right after the next event.

The Lemon Squeeze
I divided the group into 2 teams.  Each team had a daddy on the team.  They had to place the large ball between their legs and carry it to the water and back, then hand it off to the next person in line to do the same.  The first team who finished won.
They had a blast and had even more fun cheering the dads on when they ran to the water!
We finished the relays and headed over to collect the prizes.  The judges announced the Coloring Contest winner:
It was Chazzy!
Can you see her prize?

I purchased everything from the Dollar Tree.  The pitcher held a box of lemonade gummies, a box of Lemon Heads, and a silicone change purse. They were only $4/each and I loved the idea of a pitcher holding the goodies!

The final event is a tradition at Munch's birthday parties.

The Dance Contest 
I played a snippet of a song for each child who wanted to participate.  We had high kicks, wiggling, Ho Down Thrown line dances and more...  While the judges deliberated, the kids got to do The Wobble line dance, it's Munch's fave:
Cousin Jayla won the dance contest (she did gymnastics and everything)!  After the dance contest, Hubbs passed out the favors:
The kids were ready to play in the sand...
O, wait.  You haven't seen the favors yet!
Here are the lemon sugar chapsticks and bubble inserts:

I used paper shred to hold them in the buckets and placed them, along with the prize pitchers, on a small round table (thanks, Devona, for letting me borrow your table):

The kids quickly dumped out the paper shred and headed for the sand. 
We concluded the afternoon with the water bomb fun I told you about earlier (here).
It was a great day full of great fun!
Munch being carried to the car by Uncle L. because she "didn't have shoes."
*Rolling my eyes AGAIN* 
The party was so much fun that people didn't want to leave.  We transferred the fun back to our home and folks hung out until close to midnight.
I guess that is my proof that we had a great event; people didn't want to go HOME!

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