If ever you wondered whether one can have a SECOND inaugural post on the same topic, I am here to tell you YES!
I am joining the annual 31 days of change again this year. Join me and SO MANY others on the journey to improve everyday of October. My topics will cover my 31-day journey to repairing my home life.
I have been neglecting my home and my family… My husband and I need to reconnect (he’s been on my nerves more than usual), first grade is kicking my butt, I’m wrapping another busy wedding season, I’ve lost my god baby and tried to help my friend through a very trying time… Needless to say, I need to introduce a new me to the people who love me most so I'm going to rebuild my home from the inside out. This series will differ from last year's and from others' because I’m not ONLY going to talk about projects around the house BUT things like the struggle to expand my date night wardrobe without breaking my bank, marital rules we’ll implement to NEVER get to this place again, reading techniques for my kid and *gasp* pictures of my crappy craft area and dirty laundry room… OMG. I’m nervous!
Truth is that I’m not perfect and, some days, I’m barely functional. I look at other bloggers and moms and homes and think, “WHY CAN’T I JUST…”
This series will be MY journey to finding MY less messy? happier? more loving? cleaner? ever after. It might help you, you might relate, you might laugh OR you might just get to know your friend a little better.
Whatever your purpose for stopping by everyday this month, I hope you enjoy the ride but, if you don't, I won't be mad. I'm writing for my own before/after - LIFE style!
Do you have a topic you'd like to talk about? Visit the Nester’s blog to find out more!

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